While I'm in Martha's Vineyard I have asked one of my closest, most stylish friends Alisha Blanchard to be a guest blogger. Enjoy!

Happy Monday! I've decided to make a list of my favorite tried & true baby (mostly girl) items. I have most of the items listed save for a couple and I can attest to them all. They're stylish, well made, functional & have been used time & time again. Im a believer in investing in good stuff (should I just say expensive;) because hey lets face it nobodys lookin' at the mama anymore haha!! Its sad but true....once you become a mother you start ohhing & ahhing over baby gladiators & forget about your own feet! But hey thats life & I must say life is good....

 Bugaboo Frog $759

I hope I can inspire a few of you that are mothers or thinking of becoming mothers. Its the best & hardest job to love.

Come back tomorrow for OH BABY! part 2