
While looking over some of my most recent pins, I noticed they all have a dreamy light and soft tones- can you tell I'm longing for spring? Luckily the boy and I won't have to wait until the spring equinox for some warmer temps, because we are headed to The Ace Hotel Palm Springs two weeks from today. I had to take advantage of the 100 N Sunny deal, it was just too tempting! 



These are just a few of my most recent pins. Lately I find myself pinning lots of interiors. Decorating and updating our place has been high on my list for a while now. I've had to come to terms with the fact that decorating on a tight budget takes time. These next few months I want to focus on saving for a couple new pieces of furniture, buy less knick knacks and have a garage sale. It is a new year after all.  

What is pinteresting to you at the moment? 


Have you joined Pinterest yet? It has become a tool I rely on for blogging, decorating my home and just general inspiration. I love looking through my pins and finding common themes. It tells me a little about my mood or what I've been finding "pinteresting". My pins of late have been quite romantic, don't you think?--


What is "pinteresting" to you at the moment?


I just joined Pinterst and I am officially addicted. If you don't know what it is, it's a place to "pin" {tag} any photo or item that you like. It's your own personal inspiration board. It brilliantly saves the url's of everything you pin, so you can go back to the source  {I am a huge fan of crediting sources}. I just can't say enough. Go join and follow Sweet Thing's pins.
Here are some of the images in my Pinterst that are currently inspiring me...

decor8/hippie/the lake and the stars/design sponge/jose villa/oncewed/field/office/credenza