I know I'm about a week late in posting these, but here are a few photos I took on Thanksgiving. We always spend Thanksgiving in Ojai, at the home of our dearest family friends. As I'm sure you can see, their home and property is stunningly gorgeous. The food, as always, was insanely good and the love around the table was palpable. It's not hard to see why Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. 


Beyond the fact that it's Thanksgiving, I wanted to thank each and every one of you that read my blog. I can't tell you how much Sweet Thing has changed my life in the best of ways and that's all because of you. I want you to know I am so grateful to those of you who take time out of your busy lives to comment here or interact with me on Twitter or Instagram. Having that communication with my readers is so important to me. To all of you who commented on my breakup post or emailed me- thank you. You brought me to tears. Your words of encouragement have lifted me up, let me know that I'm not alone and that it will get better. You all inspire me everyday. 

Wishing you the most wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and friends.


one. terrain bakeware $9-$31
two. carving set $69.95
three. smeg refrigerator $1,999
four. patent oxfords $165
five. sequin shorts $125
six. fair isle sweater $98
seven. gold wishbone $48

Tomorrow I'm heading to Ojai to spend Thanksgiving with my family. I'm feeling a little sassy these days and sequin shorts feel like a necessity. I really like them paired with a cozy sweater for a slightly toned down look. Thanksgiving is by far my favorite holiday and I couldn't be more excited to spend a few days relaxing in the beautiful country and spending time with loved ones. I need a little time to decompress after all of these big life changes. Where are you headed for the holiday weekend? 


Since Thanksgiving is quickly approaching, Glitter Guide asked me to send them a photo holding a sign of what I am thankful for. They also asked us to stray from the usual- family, friends, etc. In some ways this couldn't have come at a worse time, since I've been struggling so much emotionally, but in other ways it's times like these that you need to take a step back and realize all the good that's in your life. I know I still haven't really shared with you why I'm in such a sad place and for that I apologize. I promise to fill you in this week, but for now it's just too fresh. Please excuse me while I take a little time to listen to music and heal my heart. 

**i'd also like to thank phil & afton for taking this photo & letting me use their awesome apartment


one. nested baker set $99
two. wood cutting board $160
three. spades measuring cups $32
four. chandler in whisky tortoise $95
five. apron $56
six. falcon enamelware prep set £54.99
seven. rolling pin $70

It's that time of year, where all I want to do is pretty much live in the kitchen. I have never been much of a baker, but lately I have become consumed with it. I'm determined to be good/better at it. I always like the ability to improvise when cooking and I think the main reason I'm slow to come around to baking is the mathematics involved. But, I've got to say I'm quite enjoying the challenge of using more of my left brain. What about you, do you like the simplicity of following a recipe, or do you like to add/subtract ingredients as you go? 

{pie photo by michael graydon, styling by nikole herriott}


Sweet. Japanese Lantern Bunch $28
Sweeter. Wreath $88
Sweetest. Pumpkin Crate $68

How was your weekend my dears? Mine was quite lovely. I got to celebrate a friend's birthday and another friend's baby on the way. I have a baby shower to attend next weekend as well and I've got to say I sure love buying baby gifts. I think they're probably the most fun presents to buy, don't you? I also got a little holiday shopping out of the way. Believe it or not, I am almost finished altogether. I realize It's not even Halloween yet, but It feels so good to be ahead of the game. Especially since I have a lot of people to buy for, my boyfriend's birthday and our anniversary to think about. Do you like to get an early start on holiday gift buying or are you more of a last minute kinda person? 


Thanksgiving in Ojai was truly perfect. I was reminded that just an hour and a half north of LA there are fall colors to be found, the air smells sweet and childhood traditions are alive. Dinner was delicious- we enjoyed brined turkey and pumpkin tiramisu. My mom read us a poem she wrote on how thankful she is for all eighteen of us at the table {getting us all a little teary eyed}. As the sun started to set, we took a walk around the property and took in the landscape and the blooming fruit trees. Everything was so magnificent it was overwhelming really. And on what better day than Thanksgiving to be overwhelmed with natures beauty? We ended our night with wine by the fire and a game of celebrity. I feel thankful to be part of such a loving group of friends and family. You all made my day complete.     


Yup, that's right- I finally got an iPhone and practically the first thing I did was sign up for Instagram. Having a phone that takes such amazing photos has already changed my life. If you'd like to follow me please do @sweetthing_. If you aren't on Instagram, not to worry, I will be posting my photos on twitter as well.

How was your Thanksgiving weekend? Mine was perhaps my favorite one yet. We ate delicious food, spent time with friends and family, played lots of celebrity, went to the movies and I didn't pick up my computer once. Heaven. I can't wait to share photos with you!  



Thanksgiving is by far my favorite holiday and I am thrilled it's almost here. I am so looking forward to spending the next few days in my hometown, eating delicious food with family and friends. Our Thanksgiving dinner is usually a mix of my mother's New England upbringing and her best friend's southern one. Really the best of both worlds. I find comfort in tradition and I can always count on two things- my mom getting teary eyed while giving a speech about how thankful she is and that we'll end our night playing either running charades or celebrity. Do you have any traditions that wouldn't feel like Thanksgiving with out?      


I had such a wonderful Thanksgiving at home in Ojai. It's so important to stop and think about all the things you are grateful for. Some close friends came up with us and shared in on the fun. We played games, ate delicious food and took a sunset walk around our friend's beautiful property...

{the gorgeous Thanksgiving tablescape}
{with my dear friend Teissia, who I am grateful to have known since high school}

After dinner I went around photographing all the dogs I am practically auntie to. They each have such a distinct personality...

I hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving! xx